Arca De Mendel

Poppy seeds

Arca De Mendel

Poppy seeds


Only 9 units of this product remain


At Arcade Mendel , we offer a selection of seeds that allow gardeners to grow wild and ornamental flowers of great beauty and symbolism. The Poppy ( Papaver rhoeas ), also known as the Wild Poppy or Red Poppy , is an annual plant famous for its delicate and vibrant scarlet red flowers with black centers. It is ideal for those who wish to add a natural and poetic touch to gardens, flower meadows and borders.

Quantity for the Value: 25 Seeds

Packaging: We work with the best German, Spanish, Dutch and Chilean seed suppliers, which allows us to offer you Poppy seeds collected and packaged in 2024, guaranteeing their freshness and a high percentage of germination.

Crop duration: Poppy is an annual plant that blooms profusely from spring to early summer. Plants begin to flower approximately 6 to 8 weeks after sowing.

Special Features: The poppy is known for its silky petaled flowers, which gently crinkle as they open. Although red is the most common color, some varieties can also produce flowers in shades of pink, white, and purple. Poppies are excellent for naturalizing gardens and creating flower meadows that attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Lighting: Prefers full sun for optimal growth and abundant flowering. Make sure plants receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist during germination and early growth, but reduce watering once plants are established. Poppy is fairly drought tolerant once it has established roots.

Pests: Poppy is generally resistant to pests, although it can occasionally be affected by aphids. The use of environmentally friendly products, such as potassium soap and Neem oil, is recommended to keep pests under control.

Cold Hardiness: Poppy is cold hardy and can withstand light frosts, making it an excellent choice for early spring sowing or even fall sowing in warmer climates.

Substrate: A well-drained, slightly sandy substrate is recommended. Poppy can grow in poor soil, but a well-drained soil will help prevent waterlogging problems and promote healthy growth.

Harvest: Poppy flowers are short-lived, but beautiful, and are most appreciated in the garden for their visual impact. The seed capsules that form after flowering are also ornamental and can be used in dried floral arrangements.

Shipping: All shipments are made through Bluespress. Check out our growing manuals on our website: .