Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus Seeds

$5.990 $6.991

Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus Seeds

$5.990 $6.991

Only 7 units of this product remain


At Arcade Mendel , we offer a selection of seeds that allow gardeners and collectors to grow rare and impressive cacti. The Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus ( Hamatocactus hamatacanthus ), also known as the "Fishhook Cactus" or "Long-Spined Cactus", is prized for its long, hook-like spines and large flowers, which make it a stunning centerpiece in any cactus collection. It is ideal for those looking for a robust, low-maintenance cactus that will add a distinctive touch to xerophytic gardens, cactus collections, or desert landscapes.

Number of seeds : 20 seeds

Packaging: We work with the best German, Spanish, Dutch and Chilean seed suppliers, which allows us to offer you Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus seeds collected and packaged in 2024, guaranteeing their freshness and a high percentage of germination.

Growing Duration: Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus is a relatively slow growing cactus. Seeds may take 2-4 weeks to germinate under optimal conditions, and the cactus may take several years to reach full size, slowly developing its characteristic long, curved spines.

Special Features: The Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus is characterized by its globular or slightly cylindrical, bright green body with pronounced ribs. The spines of this cactus are particularly notable, long and hooked, of a yellow or brown color that may darken with age. In spring or summer, this cactus produces large, bright yellow flowers, which can reach up to 10 cm in diameter, providing a beautiful contrast to its sharp spines.

Lighting: Prefers full sun for optimal growth and abundant flowering. Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to maintain its compact shape and promote flower production.

Watering: Like all cacti, the Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus requires moderate watering. It is crucial to allow the substrate to dry out completely between waterings to prevent root rot. During the winter, reduce watering to a minimum as the cactus enters a dormant period.

Pests: Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus is generally resistant to pests, although it can occasionally be affected by scale insects or spider mites. The use of environmentally friendly products, such as potassium soap, is recommended to keep pests under control.

Cold hardiness: Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus is moderately cold hardy and can tolerate temperatures close to 0°C if kept dry. However, in areas with colder winters, it is advisable to protect it or grow it indoors or in a greenhouse.

Substrate: A well-drained substrate is recommended, ideally a cactus mix containing coarse sand or perlite. Good drainage is essential to prevent waterlogging and root rot.

Harvest: Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus is grown primarily for its ornamental value. Enjoy its sturdy structure, impressive spines, and large flowers in cactus collections, xerophytic gardens, or desert landscapes.

Shipping: All shipments are made through Bluespress. Check out our growing manuals on our website: www.arcademendel.com .