Arca De Mendel

Phlox seeds

Arca De Mendel

Phlox seeds


Only 16 units of this product remain


At Arcade Mendel , we offer a selection of seeds that allow gardeners to grow vibrant and hardy ornamental flowers. Phlox ( Phlox drummondii ), also known as Annual Phlox , is a plant known for its clustered flowers that come in a wide range of colors, including pink, red, white, purple and blue. It is ideal for those looking for a plant that will add a continuous splash of color in gardens, flower borders, containers and hanging baskets.

Quantity for the Value: 30 Seeds

Packaging: We work with the best German, Spanish, Dutch and Chilean seed suppliers, which allows us to offer you Phlox seeds collected and packaged in 2024, guaranteeing their freshness and a high percentage of germination.

Growing time: Phlox is an annual plant that blooms profusely from spring to fall. Plants begin to flower approximately 8 to 10 weeks after sowing.

Special Features: Phlox is prized for its colorful, fragrant flowers that form dense clusters, creating a spectacular effect in any garden. These flowers are not only beautiful, but also attractive to pollinators such as butterflies and bees. Phlox is an easy-care plant that can adapt well to a variety of growing conditions, making it a great choice for gardeners of all skill levels.

Lighting: Prefers full sun for optimal growth and abundant flowering, although it can also tolerate partial shade. Make sure the plants receive at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Watering: Phlox needs regular watering to keep the soil evenly moist, but well drained. It is important to avoid waterlogging to prevent fungal diseases.

Pests: Phlox can be susceptible to pests such as aphids and spider mites, as well as fungal diseases such as mildew. Using environmentally friendly products such as potassium soap and Neem oil is recommended to keep pests and diseases under control.

Cold hardiness: Phlox is sensitive to severe cold and does not tolerate frost well. It is recommended to sow it after the risk of frost has passed in spring.

Substrate: A well-drained and slightly fertile substrate is recommended. A compost-enriched soil is ideal for growing Phlox, allowing for good drainage and healthy growth.

Harvest: Phlox flowers are ideal for ornamental gardens and can be used in floral arrangements. To maintain continuous blooming, cut off spent flowers regularly.

Shipping: All shipments are made through Bluespress. Check out our growing manuals on our website: .